17 Simple Tips For A Healthier Heart With Natural Medicine
Female doctor with the stethoscope holding heart

17 Simple Tips For A Healthier Heart With Natural Medicine

Healing The Heart Takes Time and Patience We all want to be healthy and happy.  And while it would be wonderful to believe that taking a pill will cure all of our health challenges, that is simply not the case.  Real health takes time, and it takes a commitment.  To be healthy also takes a bit of discipline. Tip #1 Consume A Diet With Minimal Saturated Fats One of the leading causes of death in the United States, is due to heart disease related illness. And many of those illnesses can easily be prevented simply by making…

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A Power Breakfast To Keep You Younger!

Simple Solutions To Healthy Aging And Younger Healthier Cell Health Lately, I have been on a search to create the most nutrient dense breakfast imaginable.  A simple morning ritual that can help support healthy nutrition, and keep our cells healthy and younger well into our senior years. I think I may have succeeded. Like most people, I am not perfect when it comes to my diet, and I do like to cheat from time to time with an occasional naughty snack or treat. On those days when my diet is less than stellar, I am comforted by…

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How To Treat SIBO with Naturopathic Medicine

SIBO is a Common Medical Problem One of the most common digestive challenges I treat is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is a complicated medical challenge, that may be the root cause of much of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), currently being diagnosed in the United States. Recently, I did a YouTube video, that discussed how I treat SIBO at my offices in Los Angeles. To see my recent video on SIBO, you can watch it here. So What Exactly is SIBO? SIBO is a condition whereby an abnormal over-growth of bacteria accumulates in the small…

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Optimal Health to 40. 50, 60 and Beyond!

A Little Bit About Me and My Work as a Naturopathic Doctor Greetings, My Name is Dr. Whimsy Anderson, ND, and I am a licensed naturopathic doctor, based in Los Angeles.  My offices are located in the heart of the city — just a stone's throw away from Beverly Hills and West Hollywood.   In my practice, I enjoy helping people who are interested in improving their health and want to find the right diet and lifestyle for their unique needs.  To see the full YouTube video on this topic, you can click here! Healthy to 40,…

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Magnesium and Health in Women Over 40
Foods Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium and Health in Women Over 40

Magnesium Deficiencies are Quite Common One of the most common supplements I prescribe in my practice is magnesium. While magnesium can be found in a variety of foods, it is often deficient in the average American diet.  A recent study on magnesium in the American diet, has shown  that nearly thirty-two percent of Americans do not get adequate magnesium.  Junk food, fast food, is partly to blame, but poor nutritional absorption may also be a leading factor. The Signs and Symptoms of a Deficiency Symptoms of a deficiency can include muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, mental disturbances such…

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A Weekend Review Of Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration

The Bio Identical Hormone Restoration Therapy Conference Getting away from Los Angeles, and my busy schedule as a naturopathic doctor, can sometimes be a challenge.  And last weekend, April 25-26, was no exception. Still, it was an amazing two days that I spent in Las Vegas, Nevada at the SLS Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, learning amazing medicine and spending time with great friends and colleagues. This is the second time I have attended the Medisca Network Conference on Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration and Balancing, and I am very glad I did. In the past I have treated…

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