Weston A. Price and the American Eugenics Movement

An Introduction The blending of the races has been blamed for much of the distortion and defects in body form in our modern generation. It will be seen that these face changes occur in all the pure-blood races studied in even the first generation, after the nutrition of the parents has been changed. [1] -Weston A. Price Nutritional and Physical Degeneration (1939) This paper examines the work of Weston A. Price through the prism of Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology examines attitudes and beliefs about health that contribute to a given society or group of individuals' practice of…

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The Effects of Childhood Trauma Can Last for Years

The Trauma of Childhood Can Last for Many Years The ways in which childhood trauma and abuse can impact a person's health for years to come is a disturbing idea to contemplate. We would like to believe that once a child has left an abusive or stressful living situation, they can then begin to live a healthier and happier life. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of abuse can last long after it has ended. Child Abuse Can Have Long-Term Health Consequences Several studies, presented at a conference of the American Psychological Association, reported on by the BBC, examine…

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Can Turmeric Help in Stroke Prevention and Brain health?

Turmeric May Offer Multiple Health Benefits Consuming turmeric powder daily, or taking a supplement, has multiple health benefits.  Commonly used in curry, turmeric may be beneficial in fighting the damaging effects of stroke, decrease stroke risk, and even improve brain health. Eaten for thousands of years in curries, this popular spice has many medicinal properties. In addition to stroke risk prevention, turmeric may also be helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and a host of other diseases.  Specifically, there appear to be health benefits associated with those types of diseases associated with chronic…

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Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D: A Book Review

Learning About Dr. Joel Furhman's Diet When I was in medical school, I took a class on nutrition that required we read the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman. Dr. Furhman is a family physician who specializes in treating obesity and chronic disease with diet alone. At that time, I was intrigued by the common sense logic of Dr. Furhman’s approach,.  And, quite frankly, could not understand why more doctors did not refer to his book when developing treatment plans for their patients. Currently, Joel Furhman's entire program with DVD's is now available via Amazon, at a very affordable…

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