Having Fun is Good for Your Health
When it comes to health, having fun can be serious business. That’s because having fun is associated with longevity, improved cognition, better brain function,improved heart health, and general well-being.
To be happy, to play, to have fun, to engage in activities that bring you true joy will decrease blood pressure, improve sleep, aid memory, improve digestion, as well as your over-all outlook on life and lengthen your life span.
Working with Nathan for You

Recently, I participated in a rather entertaining experiment regarding the science of fun with the MTV Network, for the tv show Nathan and You. We wanted to see if fun could be measured, and if brain function changed for the better after a day of fun. And while I was highly skeptical of the results. The truth is, that having fun had a dramatic impact on the subjects over-all health and physiology.
These kinds of experiments give us a snap shot into how our brains are affected by, and respond to, stimuli we experience on a daily basis. What we are discovering is that positive emotions have a positive affect on over-all health and that tension, strife and “negative” emotions can have a grave impact on every aspect of our health.
Sometimes as a naturopathic doctor, when treating conditions like depression and anxiety, I remind patients of the importance of simply putting time aside for fun.This is because too often we may feel that playing and having fun is irresponsible and even wrong. Consequently, to enjoy life, to believe that we are entitled, and required, to be happy takes practice. But I do not believe that real health can be established without a basic understanding that the right to play and the right to be happy need to be seen as priorities. So find what you enjoy doing and do it often. Your health will thank you for it.
To find out more about my work, you can visit my web-pages at http://www.doctorwhimsy.com/