Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue Related Weight-Gain?

Are Your Adrenal Glands Making You Fat? Fatigue and resistant-weight loss are two of the most common reasons people seek medical treatment from a naturopathic doctor. In fact, exhaustion, coupled with unexplained weight gain, is so common; I consider it the most common condition I treat. But is exhaustion and weight gain the same thing as adrenal fatigue? And just because you are feeling exhausted, and cannot lose weight, does that mean you have an adrenal disorder? The Causes of Exhaustion There is a multitude of reasons why people become exhausted, and a thorough intake is necessary…

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Treating Resistant Weight Loss With Naturopathic Medicine

The treatment of resistant weight-loss, especially as we age, is a common reason that many people seek out naturopathic medical care. Resistant weight-loss may be defined as, an inability to lose weight – even when all reasonable efforts have been made to do so. Some of the most common causes of resistant weight loss include genetics, poor eating habits, inactivity, stress, thyroid dysfunction, and the slowing down of metabolism—due to aging and a natural decline in sex hormones. These natural hormonal changes may be coupled with an overall loss of muscle mass as well. Our Hormones Change…

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