The Importance of Healthy Eating Habits For Proper Health

If there is one thing I would tell my patients— or anyone who wishes to improve their digestive health—it would be to learn the importance of good eating habits. In fact, I would go so far as to say that good eating habits are the cornerstone of healthy living.  And yet, few people practice them. Some of the most common symptoms of poor digestion include gas, bloating, upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux.  These symptoms are common, and can often be alleviated simply by adjusting the way we approach food and the types of foods that we…

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Suffering From Menopause Belly? Give Up This One Food

Are you suffering from menopause belly? Many people are. The good news is, there are a few very simple things that you can do to heal your digestive health and maintain a healthy weight. So What Exactly is Menopause Belly? They say that “death begins in the gut," and that is certainly what I see in my offices. The symptom picture I am specifically addressing here presents as, gas, bloating, upset stomach, constipation, and or diarrhea, acid reflux and resistant weight loss—especially around the waist. We may also see a tender abdomen during physical exam. The Kind…

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Menopause Blues: Are Changing Hormones Causing Your Depression?

The Menopause Blues Growing older is never an easy process.  And while research shows that older women tend to be happier than younger ones, the changes that happen with age are not without pitfalls.  This is especially true in women that are undergoing severe health challenges during menopause—due to fluctuations in hormones. Before pulling the emergency switch, it might be advisable to first see your doctor, or a well-trained naturopathic doctor, to have your hormone levels tested. I personally do a 24 hours cortisol and hormone panel on patients before prescribing hormone therapy, and prefer saliva hormone…

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A Weekend Review Of Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration

The Bio Identical Hormone Restoration Therapy Conference Getting away from Los Angeles, and my busy schedule as a naturopathic doctor, can sometimes be a challenge.  And last weekend, April 25-26, was no exception. Still, it was an amazing two days that I spent in Las Vegas, Nevada at the SLS Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, learning amazing medicine and spending time with great friends and colleagues. This is the second time I have attended the Medisca Network Conference on Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration and Balancing, and I am very glad I did. In the past I have treated…

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