Naturopathic Practice

Having Fun is Serious Business

Having Fun is Good for Your Health When it comes to health, having fun can be serious business. That's because having fun is associated with longevity, improved cognition, better brain function,improved heart health, and general well-being. To be happy, to play, to have fun, to engage in activities that bring you true joy will decrease blood pressure, improve sleep, aid memory, improve digestion, as well as your over-all outlook on life and lengthen your life span. Working with Nathan for You Recently, I participated in a rather entertaining experiment regarding the science of fun with the MTV…

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Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D: A Book Review

Learning About Dr. Joel Furhman's Diet When I was in medical school, I took a class on nutrition that required we read the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman. Dr. Furhman is a family physician who specializes in treating obesity and chronic disease with diet alone. At that time, I was intrigued by the common sense logic of Dr. Furhman’s approach,.  And, quite frankly, could not understand why more doctors did not refer to his book when developing treatment plans for their patients. Currently, Joel Furhman's entire program with DVD's is now available via Amazon, at a very affordable…

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