Helpful Herbs and Supplements

Healing Our Brain’s By Increasing Oxygen

Oxygen Is Vital For Brain Health Did you know that something as simple as deep breathing could improve the health of your brain? This is because getting adequate amounts of oxygen to your brain is necessary for your brain to function optimally. When we are not getting adequate oxygen; one of the first signs and symptoms is poor brain function. Signs and symptoms of low oxygen to the brain may include, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, frequent brain fog, depression and mood changes, fatigue, and poor concentration. What Can Impair Oxygen Flow To The Brain? There are a…

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Improving Mood and Depression with Mineral Supplementation

Depression And Mineral Loss Many of the people who come to see me in my offices in Los Angeles, suffer from depression. Depression can be a painful and crippling condition; that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. Depression can affect those around us, and even our capacity to do our jobs effectively. Consequently, one of the main challenges I face, as a naturopathic doctor, is to find the root causes of the condition, and treat the challenges as simply and effectively as possibly. One of the most effective ways to treat depression, I have found,…

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Brain Fog in Menopause: The Causes And The Treatment

Brain Fog is a Common Symptom of Menopause Brain fog is a common problem in menopause, that affects virtually millions of women over the age of 40. People suffering from brain fog, often complain that they feel disoriented, or have trouble putting their thoughts together. If you are suffering from brain fog, then you may be experiencing a host of symptoms that include, mental confusion, trouble remembering names or events, or just a general feeling of being "spaced out."  Or, you may simply feel disoriented, along with a slow reaction time. There are a number of reasons…

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How To Treat SIBO with Naturopathic Medicine

SIBO is a Common Medical Problem One of the most common digestive challenges I treat is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is a complicated medical challenge, that may be the root cause of much of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), currently being diagnosed in the United States. Recently, I did a YouTube video, that discussed how I treat SIBO at my offices in Los Angeles. To see my recent video on SIBO, you can watch it here. So What Exactly is SIBO? SIBO is a condition whereby an abnormal over-growth of bacteria accumulates in the small…

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The Difference Between Treating a Disease Versus Curing it

The Difference Between Treating Versus Curing a Disease Recently, while on my way to the office, I had a very interesting conversation with an UBER driver. He wanted to know what I felt was the main difference between prescribing drugs to treat disease and the use of naturopathic medicine. And I found myself in an interesting conversation that involved clarifying the difference between truly being cured ,verses simply being palliated.  To palliate denotes a state whereby your disease symptoms may be temporarily abated due to  medical intervention.  But, once the treatment wears off, the disease returns. As…

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Magnesium and Health in Women Over 40
Foods Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium and Health in Women Over 40

Magnesium Deficiencies are Quite Common One of the most common supplements I prescribe in my practice is magnesium. While magnesium can be found in a variety of foods, it is often deficient in the average American diet.  A recent study on magnesium in the American diet, has shown  that nearly thirty-two percent of Americans do not get adequate magnesium.  Junk food, fast food, is partly to blame, but poor nutritional absorption may also be a leading factor. The Signs and Symptoms of a Deficiency Symptoms of a deficiency can include muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, mental disturbances such…

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