Treating Resistant Weight Loss With Naturopathic Medicine

The treatment of resistant weight-loss, especially as we age, is a common reason that many people seek out naturopathic medical care. Resistant weight-loss may be defined as, an inability to lose weight – even when all reasonable efforts have been made to do so. Some of the most common causes of resistant weight loss include genetics, poor eating habits, inactivity, stress, thyroid dysfunction, and the slowing down of metabolism—due to aging and a natural decline in sex hormones. These natural hormonal changes may be coupled with an overall loss of muscle mass as well. Our Hormones Change…

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Suffering From Menopause Belly? Give Up This One Food

Are you suffering from menopause belly? Many people are. The good news is, there are a few very simple things that you can do to heal your digestive health and maintain a healthy weight. So What Exactly is Menopause Belly? They say that “death begins in the gut," and that is certainly what I see in my offices. The symptom picture I am specifically addressing here presents as, gas, bloating, upset stomach, constipation, and or diarrhea, acid reflux and resistant weight loss—especially around the waist. We may also see a tender abdomen during physical exam. The Kind…

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Menopause Belly: How To Heal Your Digestion And Conquer Resistant Weight-Loss

Menopause Belly Is A Common Complaint Digestive upset and resistant weight-loss are common complaints I see in my office.  In fact, they are the most common complaints my patients make about their health challenges. The symptom picture I often see in women over forty includes, an increase in belly fat (that does not change even with a rigerous exercise and dieting program), coupled with gas, bloating, acid reflux, and upset stomach. Chronic digestive complaints in menopause are partly due to changes in hormones, but may also be caused by declining pancreatic function. The pancreas is an organ…

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